Sedum in a unique tiny pot
Garden Design

Tiny Plants For Tiny Pots

Tiny plants are little plants that grow slowly and don’t get very large even after a long period of time. They don’t generally have large root systems which make them perfect for tiny pots.

They are great for people who have small living spaces, small yards, or perhaps mobility issues. Tiny plants are perfect for fairy gardens and terrariums.

Outdoor Plants for Tiny Pots

Sedum in a unique tiny pot
Sedum in a Unique Tiny Pot (Light Socket)

Two types of plants that are adaptable to tiny pots outdoors are succulents and sedums. They have the ability to thrive in tiny pots because they store water and nutrients from their environment, which help them survive during drought.

The difference between succulents and sedum is a common question for gardeners. The answer is not as simple as it may seem, but understanding the distinction will make your gardening life easier!

Sedums are more hardy plants than succulents, so they’re better suited to colder climates or being planted in shady areas of your garden.

Sedums will do well inside and outside given the proper light conditions.

Succulents are a group of plants that store water in their leaves and stems. Sedum is also a type of succulent but has much thicker leaves with less visible channels for storing water. The main difference between these two types of plants is the thickness of the leaf’s epidermis, which determines how well they can withstand droughts.

Other succulents that you might be familair with are Hens N Chicks, Aloe and Cactus.

edum sarmentosum - Stringy Stonecrop
Sedum sarmentosum “Stringy Stonecrop”
sedum spurium dragons blood
Sedum spurium “Dragon’s Blood”
Sedum album "White Stonecrop"
Sedum album “White Stonecrop”

Indoor Plants for Tiny Pots

3 tiny plants in tiny pots made from old lamp parts
Tiny Plants in Tiny Pots

Succulents are typically used to add color and texture in warmer climates or sunny spaces so they make great indoor plants in southern windows.

There’s a lot of information here about succulents because they are the easiest plants to put into tiny pots.

Most plants want to grow which is the opposite of what we want tiny plants to do.

Now, we can experiment with different plants to see what they will do in tiny pots. We know that it is not recommended practice to put plants in pots that are too small.

A pot too small for a plant can restrict its growth, cause drought conditions and nutrient deficiencies. Growth restriction sounds like something we would want to encourage for plants in tiny pots.

Some plants will actually reduce their leaf size during droughts to reduce photosynthesis. This saves their energy and requires less water and nutrients. We can water just a little bit less to try to force this. Though we need to be careful to make sure the plant gets enough water that it doesn’t die.

What is Photosynthesis? 
Photosynthesis is the way that plants turn sunlight into energy through their leaves.

A pot not large enough can also create a lack of available nutrients due to a lack of soil. We can combat this by using fertilizer when we water.

How to Make Mini Pots for Succulents

You can make mini pots for succulents with many different things found around the home. The tiny pots that I show here on the page are old lamp parts (above) and pieces from plumbing fixtures (below).

plumbing parts to use to make tiny pots for tiny plants
Plumbing Parts for Tiny Pots
3 tiny plants in tiny pots made from plumbing parts
Tiny Pots Made From Plumbing Parts

The absolute easiest way to make a tiny pot is to simply fill something that you already have with soil. Here’s a list of items that can easily be made into tiny pots for tiny plants. Most of these items can be found around anyone’s home. Check your junk drawers and the garage for really unique tiny pots.

  • Tiny jar
  • 1/4 cup measuring cup
  • Shot glass
  • Candleholder
  • Salt shaker
  • Jello mold
  • Measuring spoon
  • Spice jar lid
  • Sponge
  • Old doorknob
  • Tiny tins
  • Thread spool
Household items that can be used for tiny pots
Household Items for Tiny Pots

Many of the items listed do not have drain holes. That’s ok! You just need to be cautious of how much you water them. Three easy ways to control the amount of water is to use a glass eyedropper, a plastic pipette, or turn on your faucet just so it drips one drop at a time.

Plastic is very easy to poke or drill holes in. Use a small drill bit or a nail and hammer. Aluminum items are pretty easy to drill holes in too. Putting holes in for drainage will help you be less concerned about how much water you use each time your plants are thirsty.

You might also want to read 21 Plants with Tiny Leaves or Wild Plants with Tiny Flowers.