Geranium ‘Maverick Mix’ (Pelargonium x hortorum)


Strong and sturdy geranium series available in Orange, Violet Picotee, Violet, Scarlet Picotee, Quicksilver (light pink), Coral, Appleblossom (white with a light pink center), White, Star (pinkish with a dark pink center), Scarlet, Salmon, and Red.

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Plant Details

Height: 14-16"
Hardiness Zone: 11a
Bloom Time: Mid spring through summer
Self Reproduction: by seed but not in most zones
Note: Tolerates drought and loves the heat

Plant Requirements

Light: Full

Propagation From Seed

Days To Maturity: 100
When To Sow: 12-1-6 Wks blf
Stratification: No
Is Light Needed for Germination?: No
Seed Depth: 1/8"
Germination Time: 7-10 days